2024 Photography Contest
Shoot & Share:
Rediscovering Oak Alley through our visitors
All photographers, amateur and professional, alike, are invited to submit their favorite photos taken during a recent visit to Oak Alley.
(submissions due by 11:59 pm (CST), January 3, 2026)

Photos must be a representation of Oak Alley. Select the category for the photo being submitted. You may submit one photo per category. *Photographer may only win in one category.
Landscape & Nature
Captures the presence of the natural surroundings including animals, botanicals and all plantlife. Can also focus on man-made features or alterations of Oak Alley’s natural landscape.
Photography of buildings and similar structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and accurate representations of their subjects (i.e. ‘Big House’, slave cabin, sugarcane exhibit, iron fence)
Still Life
Photographing objects, people or groups of people that capture the personality of the subject(s), reflects an experience or tells their story.
Photographic Art
Photographs manipulated for artistic purposes by applying digital and/or traditional special effects (i.e., colorizing, toning, collage, photo composites, HDR, etc.). It is up to the discretion of the contest administrators and judges to deem whether a photo seems altered.
- Each category will have a first place, second place and third place winner.
- Prizes to be awarded:
- Winners will be announced on Facebook, Instagram and through Oak Alley’s website.
Official Contest Rules (Please read!)
Entry Form and Instructions